Friday, March 21, 2008

Fiske boller-Dinner #1

This is fish shop near the Fish Market and fish cakes, can find easily in the super market or near by Fish Market in town...This Fish cakes are Korean version of 오뎅, has a considerably different texture and taste. they are pretty warm so you can just buy and eat!!

Anne is Cooking the fiske boller for dinner in her new apartment where i live now!!
This is fiskeboller in A CAN.
The sauce or semi-soup to go with, added with some butter, milk, flour in it!!
Finally it servered with Boiled Potatoes, with some grated crispy carrot on top.

Fiskeboller means fish balls in English. this ball is made of fish, similar to 오뎅 in Korea. This ball is usally eaten with Noodle or with soup in Korea. Not like street food of Korean, this fiske boller is served with very thick creamy Soup, was very filling and tastee. Thanks Anne!!

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