10.00 Norway kroner = 1, 936 South Korea Won. 10.00 NOK=1.9 USD.
A glass of beer from the bar/pub is about 50 NOK=10, 000 KRW almost!!
Here is the instant noodle i bought last night from the 24hrs shop. it is 12 NOK=2320 KRW.
Hmm pretty Expensive!! will have to switch to Pasta for an emergency instant food habit-which i often enjoy after drink session!! Btw, what or who is Mr Lee in Norwegian standard on this package?!
Yoggiyo! :D So do you like Mr. Lee's nudels? He is a Korean who came to Norway in the 50's for treatment after the Korea war (where the Norwegians provided military hopitals!). But over the years he has been promoting Korean culture in Norway and sold his brand of nudels to a big Norwegian food brand. I read an article about him recently which describes his current business of selling Norwegian products in Korea and more Korean products in Norway. He is very rich by now. Seems like a really nice guy. His name is Lee Chul-ho. Check this link is you can: http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200705/200705140012.html
Wow, this is an amazing story!! thanks for the link.actually a freind told me that he is Korean guy after reading this blog. first time i thought someone tryin gto copy Korean Ramen brand called Nongshim as its printed on the package!!
Very interesting... there is hand cream such as Neutrogena+Norwegian formular is everywhere in Korean now, just like Nivea!! it must be to do with his bridging role?
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